Monday, August 18, 2014

copper/silk flowers

silk shell, gift; silk palazzo pants, joe fresh; silk kimono, zara; bag, danier; sandals, bought in spain; copper plate necklace from a street vendor

just another lazy pyjama look for work in luxe silk. unfortunately i think these pants are done - they're ripping at the seams from wear, but they were my favourite pants in the world. how will i live now?

Friday, August 15, 2014

blue brows

skirt pjk via winners (gift); silk tee via winners; sandals last year's zara; bag, danier; blue mascara, sephora

as far as beauty statements go, coloured brows are still considered pretty out there in the real world (i am in denial about this), but i find the look more striking and lower maintenance than many 'statement' makeup looks i just don't have the time or patience to attempt. this was the second day in a row wearing my electric blue sephora mascara on my brows and it had already faded a bit, but i still wanted to bring it out by pairing it with an equally violent shade of blue in my outfit. thus the unveiling of my favourite new tshirt, an example of a staple i am trying to collect more of - the silk crepe tee. i love that the colourblocking, hem and fabric make this more than just an ordinary tshirt, but the cut is so easy i don't need to worry about looking or feeling too fussy. same goes for this skirt, which is so much easier to wear than the average white skirt due to the butterfly print which hides all manner of stains and evils.

note on the hair ribbons: they're becoming a bit of a signature for me now because, taken by nostalgia, my mom suddenly remembered i used to wear ribbons in my hair during my childhood and started sending me tons of them. now i can coordinate them with all my outfits and make my ponytails look a little less sloppy.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

a life update


if anyone still follows this blog after my absence, i wanted to give you the courtesy of explaining what's going on and why i've been gone! i fully intend to get back into blogging here regularly come september, and i also have another project that i'm excited to start up with a friend which will hopefully be interesting. i've been gone because i've been struggling with some health issues and also had a lot of responsibilities this summer; seeing my family, a crisis with my friend, and a lot of work. but i've also gotten to work on getting clothes that fit my new body shape and i hope that with my health recovering i will be able to take regular outfit photos again, as well as post some more articles and photosets from vacations and events. i may feature some of my friends on the blog as well!

for now content yourself with this set of photos from my friend's (and photographer's) jazz show at a cool bar in montreal called resonance cafe, where i was allowed to guest perform on a song i love. not posting photos of the pianist in the duo, because no permission and we are not close friends, but i hope you enjoy my outfit and i hope to come back soon with more real content! happy summer!